El 2014 BMW 320i fue parte de la misma generación 320i producida entre 2012 y 2019. El 320is de esta generación consisten en su mayoría en los mismo componentes mecánicos con algunas variaciones menores entre año y año.
“that was an awesome video I watch a lot of how to videos and this was good maybe the best I have ever seen, going to change out my bulbs this week. ”
“Worked Great. Thanks for the video. The book was useless. It took me about 20 mins start to finish, but I didn't do both. It still probably would have taken a half hour tops. I'm going to replace all the bulbs in both headlamp units so hopefully I won't have to do it again for another 5 years! ”
“The directions on how to change an air filter in a 2007 Dodge Grand Caravan were the best I found after searching for about 45 minutes on the web. ”
“thanks for this video. It was so helpful it took me a minute to change the bulb. ”
“Professional and very user friendly video clips on auto fixes; even a blonde can understand it. ”