El 2007 Honda Civic fue parte de la misma generación Civic producida entre 2006 y 2011. El Civics de esta generación consisten en su mayoría en los mismo componentes mecánicos con algunas variaciones menores entre año y año.
“I used the video to replace my mom's wiper blades on her 2002 Camry. Very helpful! ”
“Info and video quality is super! THX! ”
“thanks so much for these PERFECTLY explained instructions on how to change the fuse in my car. this site is AWESOME!!! ”
“Thanks for giving me the confidence to pull a little hard and get the light bulb out. I'm so proud of myself that I changed my car's light bulbs!! Addiotional thoughts are correct, now I won't get stopped by a policeman -(again). ”
“Thank you for posting the socket size on the video as well, it saved me tons of time and frustration. ”