El 2012 Ford Focus fue parte de la misma generación Focus producida entre 2012 y 2018. El Focuss de esta generación consisten en su mayoría en los mismo componentes mecánicos con algunas variaciones menores entre año y año.
“Thank you for the video tutorial. It was easy to follow and I replaced my center brake light bulb without any trouble. ”
“Great tips and videos! I was able to take care of my issue without much trouble thanks to you guys! ”
“I just changed my tail lamps. Thank you soo much!! The Lexus dealer would've charged me gold mines for this 2 minute repair being as though I am a woman. Thanks again!!! ”
“My granddaughter's boyfriend was trying to take the headlight out until my friend found this site. It took the boy less than 5 minutes to get it out. ”
“Found the video very helpful in changing the air filter on my 2013 Tacoma. ”