El 2017 Chrysler Pacifica fue parte de la misma generación Pacifica producida entre 2017 y 2024. El Pacificas de esta generación consisten en su mayoría en los mismo componentes mecánicos con algunas variaciones menores entre año y año.
“This worked great. Super easy. It wasn't listed in the manual and the first website I clicked on said to read the owners manual. Ugh! Thank you. ”
“Accurate advice. Thank you! ”
“I did this tonight in my driveway, of course the last part was the biggest pain of them all. I had a doozy of a time getting the trim under the headlight to slide into those tabs the right way. Then at one point a rivet fell into the car, I had to fish it out with a long probe thingy that lets you pick stuff up. Anyway, thanks for this post. Man someone at Subaru needs a good kick in the pants for this design. You really shouldn't have to take apart the whole front end to change some bulbs. ”
“Thank you so much for your instruction it was very helpful. ”