El 2008 Chrysler Aspen fue parte de la misma generación Aspen producida entre 2007 y 2009. El Aspens de esta generación consisten en su mayoría en los mismo componentes mecánicos con algunas variaciones menores entre año y año.
“Thank you. I think you guys did a great job there on the website. I watched the tutorial on replacing the battery and cleaning the terminals and just actually did the replacement this morning for my car. So... many thanks to you. ”
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“Watching what one has to go through to change the head light bulb on this Chevy, all I can say is I'm really glad I own a FORD! ”
“Great video, worked like a charm! Thanks! ”
“I found your website last night trying to change out the side marker lamp on my moms Subaru Forrester 2006. I was about to blow the car up because I couldn't find anything on YOUTUBE or GOOGLE that showed how to replace it. I have no idea how I came up on your site... BUT it saved me, because last night had to be like 20 degrees "F" in Salt Lake City Utah. I was out there for hours. Well once again thanks for coming to the rescue! ”