El 2013 BMW X3 fue parte de la misma generación X3 producida entre 2011 y 2017. El X3s de esta generación consisten en su mayoría en los mismo componentes mecánicos con algunas variaciones menores entre año y año.
“Great video! The only thing missing is to show or talk about the plug release pin you haave to push to remove the power cable from the heaadlight assembly. But again, great video. (2008 Kia Sportage parking light replacement) ”
“I have a 2008 beetle and this website is wonderful ”
“You are great love the video...I just save over $50 by changing my bulb in my Mazda 6 by my self....THANK YOU!!! ”
“I LOVE YOUR SITE!!!!!!! This is so much easier to navigate and understand than many of the others that I've tried to use to find how to change my air filter. The videos ROCK! And as a girl getting the step by step visualy is very handy because there are many parts whose names I did not know and would not be able to find if I were just reading instructions. Thanks so much for putting this together. ”
“Wonderful web site! I'm showing it to all my driver education students! ”