Video de revisión del consumidor - 2019 Toyota Sienna XLE 3.5L V6

Auto visualizado: 2019 Toyota Sienna XLE 3.5L V6

The 2019 Toyota Sienna XLE is somewhat difficult to maintain. All of the tail lights will prove problematic to access, as the bulb housing or a bulky covering panel will need to be removed first. The fog light will also be difficult to reach, as the wheel well lining must be disengaged and pried back beforehand. The wiper blades will need to be engaged into their service position or require tools in order to be disengaged, which won’t allow for reliable replacements.

However, the 2019 Toyota Sienna XLE does have many upsides. Connecting your phone via Bluetooth won’t be a problem thanks to the clear instructions on the touchscreen menu. The remainder of the headlights are all accessible without tools nor parts removals, allowing for reliable changes. The engine air filter housing disengages without the use of tools, making for hassle-free filter replacements.

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