Video de revisión del consumidor - 2017 Volkswagen Golf Alltrack S 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo

Auto visualizado: 2017 Volkswagen Golf Alltrack S 1.8L 4 Cyl. Turbo

The 2017 Volkswagen Golf Alltrack S is moderately difficult to maintain. Some of the headlights require the wheel well lining to be pried back for access, which won’t make for reliable bulb changes. Performing a coolant flush or an oil change might be problematic as a large panel underneath the vehicle will need to be removed first. Both the front and rear wiper blades require a tool to be disengaged from their wiper arms, and the former will also require you to put them into the service position.

However, the 2017 Volkswagen Golf Alltrack S has its upsides. The engine coolant reservoir has unobstructed access, allowing you to reliably monitor the fluid levels. Checking the fuses won’t be a problem as the covers remove without the use of tools. The spare tire and jack kit are quick to find, remove, and set up in the event of a flat.

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