Video de revisión del consumidor - 2015 Toyota Camry XLE 2.5L 4 Cyl.

Auto visualizado: 2015 Toyota Camry XLE 2.5L 4 Cyl.

The 2015 Toyota Camry XLE is a pretty easy car to maintain. Connecting the Bluetooth is a straightforward and easy process thanks to the intuitive touch screen. Accessing the headlight is easy, as you only have to reach behind the housing; other models require the removal of various housings or covers. The components of the spare tire are easily accessible in the trunk.

Some things on the 2015 Toyota Camry XLE are a bit more difficult to repair. To replace the tail lights, you will have to peel back the lining, which can be a tight fit to reach through. You will have to pry up a tab in order to remove the wiper blade, an extra step compared to other models. The cabin air filter is located behind a few panels in the back of the glove box which can be a tough angle to reach through. All things considered, the 2015 Toyota Camry XLE is an easy and straightforward vehicle to maintain.

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