Video de revisión del consumidor - 2015 Toyota 4Runner SR5 4.0L V6

Auto visualizado: 2015 Toyota 4Runner SR5 4.0L V6

The 2015 Toyota 4 Runner SR5 is an easy car to maintain. You can access the high beam light by simply reaching behind the bulb housing. Removing the battery is made easier too, as the battery bracket is very simple to remove, allowing you to easily change out your battery. Changing the rear turn signal is easy to do and only requires the removal of a small panel.

Not everything is easy on the 2015 Toyota 4 Runner SR5. Replacing the front turn signal bulb requires you to reach through the wheel well lining, which can be tough to peel back. The cabin air filter is located behind multiple panels, which can be hard to remove. Lastly, the rear wiper blades require a few extra steps in order to raise the blade. Other models will allow you to raise your blades with just your hands. Overall, the 2015 Toyota 4Runner SR5 is an easy vehicle to maintain and live with.

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