Video de revisión del consumidor - 2015 Audi RS5 4.2L V8

Auto visualizado: 2015 Audi RS5 4.2L V8

The 2015 Audi RS5 is a moderately difficult vehicle to maintain, but shouldn’t be too complicated for even the average vehicle owner. The cabin air filter is easy to reach under the glove box. You only have to remove one panel and one cover, both of which pull off easily. The engine coolant reservoir is easily accessible in the passenger side of the engine bay. The front turn signal light is easy to change. You only have to slip your hand behind the front housing to gain access to this bulb.

There are a few difficult repairs on the 2015 Audi RS5. The lower radiator hose is behind a large panel underneath the vehicle. You will need many tools to remove many bolts. You must put the front wiper blades into the service position and use a tool to remove them. Other models do not require the use of tools for removing your wiper blades. You must check the oil level electronically which is more complicated than simply using a dipstick.

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