Video de revisión del consumidor - 2014 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE 2.5L 4 Cyl.

Auto visualizado: 2014 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE 2.5L 4 Cyl.

Overall, despite a few difficult to replace lights, the 2014 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE is an easier car to maintain than other similar models. For example, checking the oil is easy as the dipstick is located in an easy to access place in the engine bay. The engine air filter is also easy to replace, as you only have to remove a few fasteners to lift the housing for access. Not all the lights are difficult to access, as the headlights only require you to reach behind the housing for access.

To replace the fog lights, however, you will have to remove a panel beneath the car. This can be tough to do, as you will need a few tools for the job. Replacing the wiper blades requires a panel puller in order to complete. Most other models do not require the use of any tools when replacing the wiper blades. The rear turn signal bulbs are located behind a lining in the trunk. Replacing them can require a tight fit making this repair tougher to complete.

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