Video de revisión del consumidor - 2013 Toyota Highlander Hybrid Limited 3.5L V6

Auto visualizado: 2013 Toyota Highlander Hybrid Limited 3.5L V6

The 2013 Toyota Highlander Hybrid Limited is very easy to maintain. All of the tail lights are accessible once you pry off a cover in the trunk, which will make for reliable bulb changes. Replacing the highbeam light won’t be a problem, as no tools nor cover removals will be required to do so. The engine air filter is positioned in a tray that is easy to remove, making for quick filter replacements.

However, the 2013 Toyota Highlander Hybrid Limited does have a few downsides. Setting the clock is a convoluted procedure involving separate and time-sensitive controls on the steering wheel, which won’t allow you to adjust the time with reliability. Changing the rest of the headlights will be a problem as a reservoir or fuse box will need to be removed first. The spare tire might prove difficult to reach as it must be lowered from underneath the vehicle.

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