Video de revisión del consumidor - 2013 Toyota Camry SE 2.5L 4 Cyl.

Auto visualizado: 2013 Toyota Camry SE 2.5L 4 Cyl.

The 2013 Toyota Camry SE is a relatively easy car to maintain, and a good choice for the average car owner. To access the headlight, you only need to reach behind the housing for reliable access. This is much easier than on other vehicles. The cabin air filter is not a problem on this car. There are designated panels in the rear of the glove box that allow you to quickly change the filter. Connecting the Bluetooth is easy to do, as there are clear steps in the electronic menu for connecting your phone.

Some things are more problematic on the 2013 Toyota Camry SE. Changing the wiper blade is more of a problem on this car, as you will need to use a tool in order to change the blade. Other models do not require the use of tools. Accessing the fog light can be difficult to do, as you will have to reach through the wheel well lining. This lining can grow tight to the vehicle, and you will have to use a few tools in order to pry it back. Checking the engine coolant fluid level can be tough, as the fluid reservoir is not located in an overly visible spot in the engine bay. This can make it difficult to check and replenish the fluid level.

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