Video de revisión del consumidor - 2013 Toyota 4Runner Limited 4.0L V6

Auto visualizado: 2013 Toyota 4Runner Limited 4.0L V6

The 2013 Toyota 4Runner Limited is a moderately difficult car to maintain, but a good choice for the experienced car owner. You will have to remove a large panel in order to access the petcock to drain the coolant with reliability on this vehicle. This will require many tools in order to complete, and is very difficult to do. In order to access the fog light, you will have to peel back the wheel well lining. This can be a problem, as the lining can grow rigid and tight to the vehicle over time. You will have to lower the spare tire from beneath the vehicle in order to access. The lowering mechanism can grow rusted to the vehicle over time.

Some things are easier on the 2013 Toyota 4Runner Limited. The cabin air filter is easy to access, as there are designated easy-to-remove panels in the back of the glove box that allow you to easily remove the filter. Accessing the headlight is easy to do on this vehicle, as you only have to reach behind the housing for access to the bulb. Removing the engine air filter is easy to do, as you only have to disengage a few fasteners to lift the housing for access to the filter.

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