Video de revisión del consumidor - 2013 Hyundai i20 Classic 1.2L 4 Cyl.

Auto visualizado: 2013 Hyundai i20 Classic 1.2L 4 Cyl.

The 2013 Hyundai i20 Classic is a relatively easy car to maintain. The headlights are accessible by reaching behind the bulb housing and removing their respective covers, allowing for quick and reliable bulb changes. Monitoring the brake fluid won’t be a problem given the unobstructed access to the reservoir. The engine air filter will also be easy to change as no tools are needed to disengage the filter housing for access.

However, the 2013 Hyundai i20 Classic does have its downsides. Many tools will be needed to take out the entire bulb housing for access to the tail lights, which won’t allow for reliable bulb changes. Performing a coolant flush may be a problem as the lower radiator hose is only accessible by making a long reach down through the engine bay. Similarly, the air conditioning fill cap is in an obstructed position that will be difficult to reach.

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