Video de revisión del consumidor - 2011 Lincoln Navigator L 5.4L V8 FlexFuel

Auto visualizado: 2011 Lincoln Navigator L 5.4L V8 FlexFuel

The 2011 Lincoln Navigator L is a relatively easy vehicle to maintain, and a good choice for the average vehicle owner. The fog light is easy to access, as you only have to reach underneath the vehicle for access to the light. Both the front and rear wiper blades are easy to change on this vehicle. Other models will require the use of tools. Setting the clock with reliability is no problem, as you only have to push a button to change your time.

Some things are problematic on the 2011 Lincoln Navigator L. To access the spare tire, you will have to lower it from under the vehicle first. This can be a problem, as the lowering mechanism can grow rusted to the vehicle and be difficult to turn. You will have to remove torx bolts in order to remove the tail light housing for access to the bulbs. Changing the headlight bulbs will also be tough, as you will need a few tools to remove the housing for access. The tools necessary may not be readily available for a repair.

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