The 2011 Ford F-150 XLT is an easy truck to maintain. No tools are needed to access the fog lights, which can be reliably accessed by reaching behind the front bumper. The battery is quick to find, with open access to both its bracket and its terminals, allowing you to change it easily. Replacing the engine air filter shouldn’t be a problem, as no tools are needed to disengage its housing and it removes without a struggle.
However, the 2011 Ford F-150 XLT has its downsides. The other headlights don’t have such reliable access, as many fasteners must be disconnected and their entire bulb housing removed to reach them. The center brake light is not an LED bulb and will require more maintenance over time than similar models. The spare tire must be lowered from underneath the truck, which can be a problem should it ever rust to the undercarriage.
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