Video de revisión del consumidor - 2011 Dodge Nitro Heat 3.7L V6

Auto visualizado: 2011 Dodge Nitro Heat 3.7L V6

There are many benefits to the 2011 Dodge Nitro Heat. The headlight and front turn signal lights are accessible with just simple reaches or cover removals. The engine air filter can also be changed without the use of tools, as the filter housing can be disengaged without hassle. The battery has open access in the engine bay, making it easy to reach in the event of a jumpstart.

However, the 2011 Dodge Nitro Heat does have its downsides. The parking light will require the front bulb housing to be disconnected from the vehicle, for which you’ll need multiple tools and a bit of force in order to complete. The tail lights in the main rear bulb housing will also need an entire housing removal, as well as a special tool to disengage the bulb assembly itself. The spare tire is stored underneath the vehicle and may prove difficult to access.

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