Video de revisión del consumidor - 2010 BMW 335d 3.0L 6 Cyl. Turbo Diesel

Auto visualizado: 2010 BMW 335d 3.0L 6 Cyl. Turbo Diesel

The 2010 BMW 335d is a difficult car to maintain. The parking light on either side won’t allow for reliable access, as the power steering fluid reservoir or air filter housing needs to be removed in order to reach the bulb(s). Accessing the daytime running light on either side may also be a problem, requiring the removal of multiple screws and proving to be a tight reach. The cabin air filter is also troublesome to access, requiring tools to remove and being generally bulky to navigate around.

However, the 2010 BMW 335d has its upsides. The brake fluid reservoir is quick to find behind a small cover, allowing you to monitor the fluid level with reliability. The same goes for the oil dipstick, which is quick to find and easy to remove. The engine air filter can be changed without a problem, requiring no tools and lifting up with ease.

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