The 2007 Subaru Legacy 2.5i Special Edition can be difficult to maintain. Some of the headlights require the air intake vent to be removed first, which won’t allow for reliable bulb changes. The front turn signal in particular will be problematic as the wheel well lining needs to be pried back for access. The glove box and many additional panels must be removed before the cabin air filter can be changed, which can end up being rather time-consuming.
However, the 2007 Subaru Legacy 2.5i Special Edition has its high points. The interior fuse box is quick to access behind an easy-to-remove panel, so checking the fuses shouldn’t be a problem. No cover removals or long reaches will be needed to connect an on-board diagnostics scanner to the plug, allowing for reliable access. The engine air filter is easy to change, too, as no tools will be required to do so.
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