Video de revisión del consumidor - 2003 Mitsubishi Colt GL 1.3L 4 Cyl.

Auto visualizado: 2003 Mitsubishi Colt GL 1.3L 4 Cyl.

The 2003 Mitsubishi Colt GL is an easy car to maintain. The headlights are accessible by simply reaching behind the bulb housing, allowing for reliable bulb changes when necessary. The tail lights also have incredibly easy access, with those in the main housing positioned behind a single panel that removes without the need for any tools. Changing the engine air filter isn’t a problem, as no tools are needed to disengage its housing, which pulls away easily to allow quick access to the filter itself.

However, the 2003 Mitsubishi Colt GL has its downsides. The rear fog light is in a separate housing that will require tools to access, not making for reliable changes. The center brake light also has a cumbersome set-up, and accessing it may be a problem. Though no tools are needed, you’ll need to remove the glove box in order to access the cabin air filter.

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