Video de revisión del consumidor - 2003 Lexus GX470 4.7L V8

Auto visualizado: 2003 Lexus GX470 4.7L V8

The 2003 Lexus GX470 is a difficult car to maintain on account of multiple convoluted set-ups. You’ll need to remove many panels from the engine bay before you can reach the headlights, some filters, and reservoirs, which won’t allow for reliable access. Reaching the oil filter will be equally cumbersome on account of the large panel underneath the vehicle that will need to be removed first. The spare tire is also stored under the vehicle and must be lowered for access, which could be a problem if it ends up rusting to the undercarriage.

However, the 2003 Lexus GX470 does have some upsides. The fog light has reliable access by simply reaching for it behind the front bumper. Monitoring the brake fluid levels shouldn’t be a problem on account of the open access to the reservoir. The battery is also easy to reach in the front of the engine bay.

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