Video de revisión del consumidor - 2001 Toyota Tacoma DLX 3.4L V6 Extended Cab Pickup

Auto visualizado: 2001 Toyota Tacoma DLX 3.4L V6 Extended Cab Pickup

The 2001 Toyota Tacoma DLX is moderately easy to maintain but does have its share of difficulties. One of the easier aspects, though, is its battery, as the bracket is easy to reach and can be removed without hassle. The transmission fluid dipstick is quick to find and can be removed with ease. The engine air filter is also simple to remove, requiring no tools and sliding out of the housing without a struggle.

But the 2001 Toyota Tacoma DLX does have a few downsides. The petcock is located behind the skid plate, which requires multiples bolts to be taken off before it can be removed. The oil filter is located under a separate panel in an unusual location, making access to it more tedious than necessary. The spare tire is also located beneath the vehicle, which exposes it to the elements and runs the risk of it getting rusted.

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